Sunday, November 30, 2008


As one of the most American of holidays, thanksgiving continues to be a time of celebration between family and friends. Some holidays have other deeper meanings, maybe the birth or death of a historical figure or even a celebration of victory in war. Instead I believe that thanksgiving is more a time of reconnecting with those people in your life who are there to help you through the tough times that arise in your life. For the pilgrims that could have been the Native Americans that helped them to survive those first tough winters, but for me thanksgiving is all about spending quality time with my family and friends. Since I am so far away from home and don’t get many chances to actually connect with them I really like to spend as much time as possible hanging out with my family when I am finally home. This includes sitting up in my little brothers room and trying to spend quality time with him talking about school while he plays video games or even watches the television that I gave him. Or another activity I enjoy when I am home is just sitting at the kitchen table with my mom playing cards while she tells me the latest hijinxs that her students are getting into during class. The best thing about coming home for Thanksgiving is helping my dad cook the turkey and all the fixings that go along with it. Well that and the all day football that follows the turkey spirit.
A couple things happened differently this thanksgiving; this is the first thanksgiving that I have had a serious girlfriend around for the holiday and for some reasons it just made the holidays go by much faster. Also every single flipping football game this thanksgiving was a total blow-out. That was probably the worst thing that could have happened to me, sitting down and nodding off to football while digesting a mass of turkey that could have put a giant to sleep is one of the highlights of my holiday but for some reason even though the games kept getting blown out I couldn’t fall asleep. Now this throws off my entire game plan for the night, because if I don’t sleep and get that nap in I have no energy to go out at night and party with my older sister. So what could I do? Well like any good American would do in the Thanksgiving spirit, I sucked it up, drank some coffee, went downtown and made some bad decisions with my sister. But it was fun, taking pictures, taking shots, and shooting some pool. Just spending quality time with another fun member of my family. However the thanksgiving could not be complete without going to the ol’ gf’s house and meeting her entire family tree all at once. This could be a time that goes terrible or a time that serves to further cement the relationship. Luckily for me it was the cementing and not the terrible time that happened. When you factor in the turkey, football, family, friends, and significant others Thanksgiving in one of the most American of holidays.

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