Thursday, December 18, 2008


Again the winter is upon us, crazy things have been happening in the world. For example it snowed in Vegas! According to the reports from the McCarren International Airport they received over 3.6 inches of snow. That is the most recorded since records on that kind of thing started to be kept. And in Vermillion we are facing another night of heavy snow that could possibly delay all the students trying to get home for the winter holidays. But it is much better to be late and alive then early and dead as my old dog ruff ruff use to say. Apparently over in the Middle East it is a grave insult to show the sole of your shoe to someone. So the Middle Eastern who chucked his shoes at President Bush was apparently making a very strong statement. Now however the silly Iraqi is begging his prime minister for a pardon because apparently it is against the law over in Iraq to disrespect a foreign leader. So this dude is trying to get some kind of get out of jail free card. I think he should have looked up the rules before he decided to throw his shoes at our President. I mean I know that President Bush is not popular over in the middle east he is not even popular here in the states but how big of a doofus do you have to be to throw shoes at a leader of a country? He is just lucky the secret service didn’t taze or do worse to him after he chucked those loafers. Didn’t we have a plane bomber with a bomb in his shoes? I hope they put him away for the stupidity of it. While they are at it they should put Cheney and Bush in prison, I am not really sure why but I just feel like they must have done something to deserve the clink. Cheney is creepy and I hate the way Bush looks at the camera and does his little “yeah I don’t know what they hell im saying “ shrug.
Another idiot who made the news recently is the Illinois governor Blagovich or however that is spelled. Honestly why is every single politician seemingly either corrupt or well on the way to corruption. Did this num-nuts really think he could get away with selling a senate seat ? I am just glad that the FBI was monitoring him and knew that he was trying to pull these kind of shenagins. And now his lawyer is going to stretch out the proceedings as long as possible, all the while the regular joe plumbers (haha) will end up footing the bill again. As if the trillions of dollars we just loaned out to the banks auto industry and loan giants wasn’t enough grief to have to put up with. And just who is going to pay all those taxes back? Well tell you what it will not be me because I am headed for either Canada or the Moon, whatever ticket I can punch first.

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